Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Avoiding Shady Sellers When Buying A Paypal Virtual Credit Card

Paypal virtual credit cards have been a hit lately and for good reason. For one, the reason they are so popular is largely due to the protection virtual credit cards offer. Paypal virtual credit cards do just that, virtual protection. The idea behind virtual credit cards comes from the nature of being non-existent and only active for a brief period of time. They protect your personal information by preventing hackers and thieves from stealing the real 16 digit card number. Virtual credit cards are essential for protecting your identity online. Now comes the Paypal virtual credit card, ideally the same concept but mostly meant for protection on PayPal.

Why You Should Use A Paypal Virtual Credit Card

The main reason why I love using virtual credit cards for Paypal comes from the fact of easy, quick verification. You simply attach your card and confirm with the 4 digit code they charge. The code typically appears within a couple of days or instantly depending on your card's processing. Normally, I purchase a couple of Paypal virtual credit cards in order to verify several Paypal accounts we use on a daily basis. They are wonderful for what they are intended and serve a big purpose on Paypal.

Where To Find A Good Paypal VCC Seller?

Now comes the #1 question, "where do I find a good Paypal vcc seller?" This is very hard to answer as it comes down the seller's reputation. There is tons of sellers of Paypal vcc's. Some good, some bad, but all have one thing in common. Most either sell recycled or sell cheap VCC's. We know lots of people search for the cheapest prices, but think about it. You buy cheap, you get cheap. There is no way of getting around that. Couple of sellers such as www.paypalvcc.com, www.vccsecure.com, www.lightvcc.com which is typical scammers.

It comes down with, good sellers, good reputation & price. We personally only buy from two sources and that is: Aspkin forum sellers & Auction Essistance. Both have outstanding reputation and are known for providing quality services. One thing I do want to mention is that VCC's are not the only thing required for full verification of a Paypal account. A bank account or virtual bank account is necessary to fully verify a Paypal account. This is however if you live in the USA. Other countries require just a credit card or a bank account to become fully verified.

Other than that, various sellers are out there just to take your money and provide you with a useless virtual credit card. Don't fall for the cheap skate prices and rock bottom deals. The reason they can offer so cheap is because they are virtual credit cards that are crap to begin with. Hopefully this has been an eye-opener for you into the world of scams.